Do Cats Exist?
Are there such things as cats? Do they exist?
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Are there such things as cats? Do they exist?
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What is contingency? Can reason lead to God? Listen in with Joshua Rasmussen and Sheb Varghese.
Read More »Discovering God’s Existence from Contingency, with Joshua Rasmussen
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In my previous posts about why I believe in God, I offered some philosophical arguments for God’s existence. But there are also what I call personal and subjective reasons for my belief in God which I want to acknowledge.
Read More »Why I Believe in God – Part 4
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I wanted to share some of the philosophical arguments for the existence of God that compel me the most. Click to view Part 1 and Part 2.
The Transcendental Argument. This argument primarily comes out of the work of Cornelius Van Til and other presuppositional apologists, and I find it to be incredibly powerful. I think it goes much deeper than a lot of the other arguments for God’s existence.
Read More »Why I Believe in God – Part 3
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(This is the second part of the philosophical arguments for belief in God that compel me the most. You can click here to view Part 1.)
The Moral Argument. This argument can find its roots in philosophers such as Thomas Aquinas, Immanuel Kant, and it is also employed by C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity. The argument goes as follows:
Read More »Why I Believe in God – Part 2
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I think it’s valuable to have good reasons for believing that God exists, and some of those reasons include philosophical arguments. Though I don’t think it’s necessary for Christians to know all the philosophical arguments for God’s existence, I do think that it proves incredibly beneficial and assuring for the Christian person’s faith; and I think most Christians particularly in North America and Europe really don’t have an excuse for not knowing the arguments. That being said, I want to explain the arguments for belief in God which compel me the most:
Read More »Why I Believe In God – Part 1
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