Christian Education
Public Schools and Religious Autonomy

How much religious autonomy should children be given? How can dialogue and apologetics help Christian parents? Listen in with Amy Davison on the podcast
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The Gap Betewen Academia & Lay People, Sheb & Sam Varghese

What can academics and lay people do to understand each other better?
How can we bridge the gap? Listen in with Sheb and Sam Varghese on the
Faith Colloquium podcast.
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770 total views
Bible College vs Liberal Arts University with Camilla Canner

What are the differences between Bible College and a Liberal Arts University? Listen in with Camilla Canner, on the Faith Colloquium podcast.
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576 total views
How to Choose a Good Seminary, with Sheb and Sam Varghese

What should you know before attending seminary? What makes a good seminary? Listen in with Sheb and Sam Varghese on the Faith Colloquium Podcast. Please comment with your own thoughts, share, and subscribe.
Read More »How to Choose a Good Seminary, with Sheb and Sam Varghese
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