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Feminism and Joining the Catholic Church, with Abigail Favale

abigail favale, feminism and christianity, catholic feminist, feminism and catholicism,

Can a Christian be a feminist? What do Protestants misunderstand about Catholicism?

Listen to my (Sheb Varghese) conversation with Abigail Favale, author of Into the Deep*, on the Faith Colloquium podcast. Feel free to comment with your own thoughts, share, and subscribe.

*Get a 40% discount on the book if you order from the publisher’s website with the discount code: DEEP.,204,203,200_.jpg

You can also listen to the podcast on YouTube:

faith colloquium, philosophy podcast, theology podcast, christian podcast, philosophy blog, christian blog, theology blog, philosophy debates, evangelicalism, christian thought, Christianity and culture, ethics, theological ethics, sheb varghese, shebuel varghese, feminism, theology and feminism, christianity and feminism


Feminism and Catholicism, Evangelicalism, Evangelical, Theology, Theology Podcast, Anglican Podcast, Anglicanism, Evangelical Anglican

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